CCUS Events
Upcoming Events

Geophysical Research for Gigatonnes CO2 Storage
The SEG Research Committee CO2 Sub-Committee is happy to announce the Geophysical Research for Gigatonnes CO2 Storage workshop scheduled for 14–19 July 2024 at the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, Colorado, USA. This SEG and Geologic Carbon Storage (GCS) summer research workshop is dedicated to advancing geophysics in the context of GCS. It emphasizes interdisciplinary research and best practices with a focus on site characterization and monitoring, site integrity, and risks related to injectivity, and seals and faults. The workshop’s distinctive format encourages networking and open discussions, aiming to cultivate a dynamic knowledge nexus for the secure geological storage of CO2 consistent with governmental regulations and guidelines, and international best practices. With two key segments, the workshop will assess the current status, gaps, and challenges in geophysics for GCS and provide recommendations for regulators and operators, positioning itself as a vital platform for geophysical advancements in GCS. The workshop will also provide an environment to discuss new energy topics such as the geophysical aspects of geothermal and hydrogen. Thanks to a generous sponsor, a limited number of students will receive registration at no cost. Before registering, contact

Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) 2024
The call for abstracts is open for Carbon Capture, Utilization, and Storage (CCUS) 2024 taking place 11–13 March 2024 at the George R. Brown Convention Center in Houston, Texas. This event is brought to you by the Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), the American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG), and the Society of Exploration Geophysicists (SEG). Exciting keynote speakers, topical luncheons, and panels will drive the discussions of the future of energy. Technical speakers will represent research institutions, universities, and industry. The work presented at the meeting will demonstrate the ongoing need for skilled petroleum geologists, geophysicists, and engineers to help define the future of carbon management. Submission Deadline: October 25th, 2023

Past Events

8th International sCO2 Power Cycles Symposium
The International Supercritical CO2 Power Cycles Symposium is the premier technical meeting bringing together industry, academia, and government agencies to advance supercritical carbon dioxide power cycle technology. The symposium will feature paper sessions, keynote speakers, panel sessions, pre-conference tutorials, and an industry-sponsored reception and Dinner. New for 2024, we will have an Opportunity for Technology updates. The goal of the symposium is to create a network of expertise and technical understanding in the field.

2023 CO2 Conference in Midland Texas
The 29th Annual CO2 Conference will be held in Midland Texas on December 4th – 7th, 2023. The four days of events include the annual field excursion, speakers, 45Q tax credits, tax partnerships, and newly forming teams. This year the CO2 conference will be addressing the subject of CO2 storage in a larger way. We are an event that realizes our hydrocarbon industries are essential but need to continue to better minimize its environmental footprint. Many challenges remain, but the area we have chosen to emphasize is reducing CO2 emissions. Check out the Flyer! Use the link below to purchase tickets to the attend the conference!

Third Annual Carbon Dioxide Removal Law & Policy conference
This year’s conference theme, Carbon Removal Deployment: Law and Policy from Planning to Project, seeks to capture the current stage where we find ourselves in: Carbon removal developments have been unfolding at a lightning pace, with carbon removal rapidly shifting from an idea to a tangible reality. As this happens, we need to make sure that early-stage deployments are done both effectively and responsibly. Are you interested in learning more about the role of certifications and standards in ensuring good outcomes? Curious about the regulatory changes needed to facilitate research on carbon removal internationally, and in US coastal waters? Thinking about the ways that regulations designed for carbon capture and storage (CCS) impact deployment of carbon removal? This year’s conference will be covering all of that and more. The conference will be conducted in a hybrid format, with the onsite venue at American University’s Washington College of Law in Washington, DC. All sessions will also be streamed online.

Ammonia Combustion Technology Group Meeting
The National Energy Technology Laboratory (NETL) will host a public meeting of the Ammonia Combustion Technology Group on Tuesday, November 7, 2023 from 1-3 pm EST via WebEx. The purpose of the public meetings is to address challenges associated with ammonia combustion systems in power generation and industrial applications. Subsequent meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of the month, approximately every (2) months thereafter. The specific date and time will be shared prior to each meeting via this page ( as well as through email correspondence to interested parties.

2023 University Turbine Systems Research (UTSR) and Advanced Turbines Program Review Meeting
This meeting is an “open- to-the-public” meeting. All information shared at this meeting has been cleared for public presentation and has already been published in the public domain or will be made available after the meeting. Discussions and information sharing during or in relation to this meeting should not include material that is considered official use only, proprietary, sensitive, restricted, or protected in any way. Please err on the side of caution and avoid discussing materials that you think could meet these criteria.

How to Net-Zero America: Nationwide Cost and Capacity Estimates for Geologic CO2 Storage
Jonathan Ogland-Hand — Director of Energy Systems Analysis will be presenting nationwide cost and capacity estimates for geologic CO2 storage developed using SCO2TPRO. We find that there is tremendous low-cost capacity for CO2 storage, but it is not uniformly distributed across the country. Further, high capacity and injectivity are not always indicators of low-cost storage. In this webinar, we will present these results and discuss their implications for reaching net-zero.

Global Direct Air Capture Conference
The conference is dedicated to accelerating the responsible development and deployment of Direct Air Capture (DAC) to help address climate change. It aims to be a marquee annual event for knowledge-sharing and cross-sectoral discussions in this rapidly advancing field, bringing together global leaders and innovators from policy, finance, technology, civil society, and industry. The hosts will provide a structured space for agenda-setting, collaboration, and progress tracking, to catalyze action on emerging priorities. Our shared goal is for DAC technologies to be rapidly developed and tested, and to prove they can be robust, cost effective, socially beneficial, and socially accepted.

MRCI 2023 Partners and Stakeholders Meeting
The MRCI ( will hold their 2023 Partners and Stakeholders meeting on October 3-5, 2023, in Morgantown, WV. The MRCI team looks forward to sharing the work they have been doing to accelerate CCUS acceptance and deployment in their 20-state region of the US, but more importantly, to share what others have been doing to advance CCS! Use the link below to register and reserve a ticket to the meeting!

FECM / NETL Carbon Management Research Project Review Meeting
In August, FECM and NETL will be holding a meeting in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania that will provide attendees with a chance to share in the knowledge an Insights of more than 150 DOE R&D projects from numerous FECM programs. Plenary, multi-topic breakout and interactive poster session will be held to share research results and provide opportunities for discussion and collaboration on the Subject research efforts, domestic and international.

Carbon Management Technology Showcase (CMTS)
Being held in Pittsburgh, PA, the CMTS is showcasing the latest technologic developments in point source capture, carbon dioxide removal, carbon conversion, and carbon transport & storage. Experts will be on-site to answer any questions or concerns about the displayed technology.

Hydrogen Hubs: Building a Financieable Value Chain
The Summit will bring Policymakers together with today’s leading hub development teams, technology providers, and potential hydrogen offtakers ranging from ammonia to fertilizer producers to long-haul transportation to power plant operators, to discuss procurement and development opportunities

Managing Carbon and ESG Initiatives
The Carbon & ESG Strategies Conference will highlight carbon capture and storage projects and technogiees onshore and offshore, direct air capture, enhanced oil recovery, responsibly sourced gas, renewable natural gas, blue and green hydrogen efforts, geothermal solutions, federal fundign challenges and insurance issues, ESG initiatives, regularly concerns and much more

Webinars and Workshops
Upcoming Events
Past Events

Renewable Tax Credits: Improving the Financing of Tax Credits by Solving for Common Limitations Webinar
On September 12th at 10 am, IMA will be hosting a webinar discussing how insurance can play a role in financing tax credits: The IRA has had a massive influence on the momentum of renewable projects. Tax credits are a substantial piece of the financing, and many projects don’t work without the credits. The regulatory or production uncertainty is financially impacting offtake agreements and/or future sales more than they should. Interested in knowing more?
Save your seat and register here! Register now!