Topics to be covered (tentative)
- Elucidation of CUSP Goals
- CUSP State Updates (Data collection efforts & current shape)
- Arizona
- California
- Colorado
- Kansas
- Montana
- Nevada
- New Mexico
- Oklahoma
- Texas
- Utah
- Washington
- Data Strategy
- Examination of data
- Storage data (data used to forecast resources)
- Risk assessment
- Source data (all specific data, qualitative or quantitative)
- Transportation data (pipelines, rights-of-way)
- Regulatory (Land ownership or mineral/pore space/access rights
- Economic data (all specific data, qualitative or quantitative)
- Justice40, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Accessibility
- Uncertainty assessment
- Data Accessibility (who will use it & how)
- Development & Utilization of SCO2T Database
- Regional Readiness Indices (based on SCO2T data)
- CUSP CCS Database
- Demonstration of Univ of Utah system
- Development roadmap
- Incorporation of CUSP State data
- Development & Utilization of SCO2T Database
- CUSP & Focused projects management and tracking
- Alignment of working groups
- Future CUSP opportunities
- Examination of data
- Other suggested topics