CUSP Proposed Projects

The CUSP project is anticipating additional Dept of Energy funds in the near future, to perform several focused projects in the region. To prepare for this allocation of funds, the CUSP Management Team is soliciting proposals from the partner states for projects that will advance CCUS in the region. We would like each CUSP state to submit at least one proposal (multiple proposals from each state encouraged). The proposals can focus on CCUS-related storage-emphasized activities, including but not limited to field projects (e.g. assistance with site characterization, infrastructure planning, MRV/MVA, permitting, etc), bench-scale work, paper studies, tool development, and/or outreach. The project is looking for proposals with federal budgets ranging from low-cost (approx. $250K), to mid-cost ($500K) to high-cost ($1M). The selected proposals will cover a range of these budget tiers (1-2 high-cost, 2-4 mid-cost, 4-6 low-cost). Do not hesitate to submit an idea for an unorthodox/unconventional project.

Proposals will be accepted until 6:00 PM MDT, April 6, 2021, at which time, a subgroup within the CUSP project will review the proposals and make recommendations based on the relevancy of the proposed work and availability of funds.

  • Additional Guidance:
    • Goal of proposals should generally support commercial storage projects; industry partnerships are encouraged.
    • Projects need not have a field component; projects can be outreach, characterization, focused assessments, etc.
    • CUSP is hopeful for additional allocations of DOE funds for these types of projects. Proposals submitted for this round of funding may still be considered for subsequent funds.
    • National labs are not precluded from participating in proposals.
    • Cost-share from submitting organization(s) is required. Cost-share rules will follow the original Dept of Energy FOA requirements and stipulations.
    • General budgets can go into the white paper, but submitting organizations are encouraged to work up and even submit budget justifications using DOE’s template.
    • New Mexico Tech and CUSP partner organizations with funded focus projects will be required to submit a project modification (new SOPO, budget, etc). Timing for this is anticipated to be summer 2021.

To submit a proposal for a focused project, please complete the form below. Please provide a short (3-5 page) white paper on your proposed work that addresses the following:

  • Primary CUSP organization conducting work
  • Additional CUSP organization(s) conducting work
  • Any industrial/commercial partner(s)
  • Location(s) of project
  • Goal(s) and work to be conducted (CUSP, partners, stakeholders)
  • Expected outcome(s)
  • How will the project help advance CCUS in the state and/or region?
  • Approximate timeline
  • Approximate budget (total project vs CUSP contribution, with cost-share commitment (20%))

With the above considerations, please use the following layout for the white paper:

  1. Executive Summary – 0.5 page max
  2. General objectives – 0.5 page max
  3. CCUS-specific objectives 0.5 page max
  4. Tasks and deliverables – 1 page max
  5. Gantt chart – 1 page max
  6. Budget with justification, organized by task – 1 page max
  7. Personnel list, organized (assigned) by task – 0.5 page max
